
We welcome your feedback and dialogue about effective approaches to stakeholder engagement.

Members of the Peer Learning Partnership (PLP) for the OECD Global Action Initiative Putting Stakeholders at the Center have prepared a range of use cases that illustrate effective practices that have been applied across numerous sectors, thematic areas, and geographic regions in the world. We welcome you to become familiar with these use cases and offer your input about what features you find compelling, concerns about adoption and what would facilitate or impede your use of any of these cases.  Feel free to comment on one, a few or many.  For those of you who have already provided feedback, here is a chance to have a transparent dialogue with each other.  We will open this site up to broadly after our initial dialogue period that gives us an opportunity to beta test this site. 

We have grouped the use cases into three clusters: Feedback & Learning; Impact Management/Verification/Assurance;  and Joint Solutions.   While we recognize that many of the cases fit into more than one category, we placed each one where the primary intent fits most squarely.  These categories also reflect particular orientations, purposes, and contexts. For instance, impact management/verification/assurance is used most often to assure public funders (e.g. governments, multi- and bi-lateral donors and aid organizations) that the investment in enterprises provides verifiable impact.  In contrast, feedback and learning is primarily but not exclusively focused on private sector investors, social enterprises and NGOs. 

Table of Clusters and Use Case Illustrations

ClusterUse Case Illustrations
Feedback & Learning
  • Lean Data

  • Learning Loops

  • Seoul Forest

  • Impact Management/Verification/Assurance
  • UNDP SDG Impact Standards

  • SVI Principles of Social Value

  • Environmental Focus: Government-Mandated, Community-Created
  • Joint Solutions
  • Joint Solutions and District Development

  • Indigenous Approaches to Stakeholder Engagement

  • Transformative Evaluation

  • Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA)

  • Co Constructing Social Impact
  • Note that our PLP understands that approaches to stakeholder engagement in Impact Measurement and Management are not necessarily fixed and stagnant. Rather, they might better be seen as situational and particular investors or enterprises might apply more than one model at different points of growth or contexts.   

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